
childsmile dentist Glasgow

Childsmile Dentist in East Kilbride

We are proud to be a Childsmile dental practice. Childsmile is a national programme to improve the oral health of children in Scotland.

Your Childsmile appointment

On your child's first visit to our practice you will meet members of our dental team who will give you advice and tips and answer any questions you may have about such things as teething, tooth brushing, healthy food and drinks, and future visits to the dental practice.

We suggest that you first take your baby to the dentist when they are about six months old.

Future visits

At future visits to our dental practice, a member of our dental team will:

  • Look at your child's teeth
  • Explain other ways of protecting your child's teeth(e.g flouride varnish application from the age of 2)
  • Give you practical advice on food and drinks for children and demonstrate correct tooth brushing skills.

Dental advice

At home, remember to keep your child's mouth healthy:

  • Brush teeth and gums at least twice daily in the morning and last thing at night. Use toothpaste containing at least 1000ppm (parts per million) flouride.
  • Children should be supervised until the age of 7 and encouraged not to swallow toothpaste while brushing.
  • 'Spit, don't rinse' after brushing - this gives the toothpaste time to work to protect teeth.
  • Keep food and drinks containing sugar to mealtimes only.
  • Plain milk and tap water are the safest drinks for teeth.
  • Register with a dentist and visit as advised

Even if you can't see any teeth yet, your child's teeth have started growing. The things you do now will help to give your child healthy teeth for life.